Aviation Love? Welcome to The Broke Pilot.

Aviation Love? Welcome to The Broke Pilot.

I fell in love with aviation at a young age. Always fascinated with the elegant dance of vehicles, people and aircraft at airports. Where are they going? Where did they just come from? Are they excited? 

It's a known fact among those who know me best, that if you're talking to me and there's nearby air traffic - I can get a little distracted. So many beautiful birds, so little time. 

I'm not a pilot. But part of my career is helping pilots in the private aviation industry. I am passionate about all things aviation, and this store where I have curated and created clothing and accessories for all is just one way I can have an outlet to a passion of mine. There's an aviator in all of us, license or no license... what is your passion and will you wear it on your sleeve?

Thanks for stopping by The Broke Pilot, where aviation dreams are anything but broke. Check back often for new aviation themed looks and comfort wear. Safe travels and happy spotting.


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